Tuesday, March 18, 2025
By North Indy News | May 19, 2021
Stephen M. Ross donated $2,900 to Todd Christopher Young during March.
Stephen Klapper donated $1,000 to Todd Christopher Young during March.
Stephen L. Chapman donated $1,000 to Todd Christopher Young during March.
Stephanie Miller donated $2,900 to Todd Christopher Young during March.
Stanley Hirschfeld donated $1,000 to Todd Christopher Young during March.
Signe Kim Jones donated $2,900 to Todd Christopher Young during March.
Thomas K. Mcgowan donated $2,900 to Todd Christopher Young during March.
Thomas Hutchings donated $1,000 to Todd Christopher Young during March.
Thomas Bell donated $2,900 to Todd Christopher Young during March.
Terry L. Tucker donated $1,000 to Todd Christopher Young during March.
Steve' Gordon' donated $1,000 to Todd Christopher Young during March.
Steve Eggert donated $2,900 to Todd Christopher Young during March.
Stephen Sherrill donated $2,900 to Todd Christopher Young during March.
Stephen Miles donated $2,500 to Todd Christopher Young during March.
Vicki James donated $2,900 to Todd Christopher Young during March.
Trudy L. Molendorp donated $2,400 to Todd Christopher Young during March.
Tricia Goodrich donated $2,900 to Todd Christopher Young during March.
Trevor Traina donated $2,900 to Todd Christopher Young during March.
Tracy L. Rhodes donated $1,400 to Todd Christopher Young during March.
Thomas Mcgovern donated $1,000 to Todd Christopher Young during March.